The Volunteers' collective inquiries

Since 2008, a group of individuals called The Volunteers for the Protection of Tianjin’s Architectural Heritage (Tianjinshi jianzhu wenhua yichan zhiyuanzhe tuandui  天津市建筑文化遗产志愿者团队)  were the object of a substantial news coverage both in  Tianjin and in the national media. The group is composed  of retired workers, public servants, staff members of companies and institutions, media outlet employees, students, self-employed individuals and other professionals. They are ordinary citizens deeply attached to the history and culture of their city. Their commitment to cultural heritage preservation has been dubbed the ‘Tianjin Model’ or the ‘Tianjin Experience’, whereby ‘the government directs, the experts advise and the public participates’.

Discover some of the collective inquiries conducted by The Volunteers

发现“老”德国俱乐部!!!I have found the "old" German Club!!! Fragments of a collective inquiry conducted by The Volunteers (March 2010)


深入探访崇德堂内部的小教堂。。。。。A visit to the small chapel in the Chongde Church. Fragments of a collective inquiry conducted by The Volunteers (August 2011)


南市三不管变迁。 The transformation of Sanbuguan market in Nanshi. Fragments of a collective inquiry conducted by The Volunteers (September 2011)


夕阳垂暮,昔日旭街の(一)---松岛街(哈密道)四面钟专贴!!!Sunset, the old Asahi street, (1) ... Songdo street (today Hami street) and the four-sided clock !!! (July 2010)

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