
The geographical maps presented here have been assembled by the ANR team. Most of them come from a rare book entitled Tianjin chengshi lishi dituji (1404 - 2004) 天津城市历史地图集 1404-2004 [Tianjin City History Atlas 1404-2004], some are from the BnF collections and one was drawn by the team in 2020: it displays the contours of the central districts of the municipality. The project team’s ambition to render this digital collection available relies not only on the rarity of this material, which is often difficult for The Volunteers themselves to access, but also aims to share spatialization of the geo-historical data represented by these maps. Many of them have been geo-referenced, which allows for a comparative study by means of geographic information system tools. It is possible to consult the georeferenced maps directly in the collection here. A webGIS has also been built to provide the user with an interactive online navigation space on these maps, in collaboration with the project Tianjin Time Machine. The webGIS will be available soon.

Maps sources

Tianjin chengshi lishi dituji (1404 - 2004) 天津城市历史地图集 1404-2004 [Tianjin City History Atlas 1404-2004], Tianjinshi guihua he guotu ziyuan ju bianzhu 天津市规划和国土资源局编著 [Edited by Tianjin Planning and Land Resources Bureau], 67 maps from the year 1404 to 2004.

BnF collections (Gallica), 7 maps from 1900 to 1926.

EHESS Geomatic Platform (member of the project's team), 1 map based on Open Street Map basemap (2020).

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